Do you work in your profession? In the frame of the Career Development Program, Breavis surveys on this issue have found that the consequences of not choosing the right profession are substantially manifested in all the areas of our lives and layers of the society. The most impressing of these consequences is that 51.1% of the respondents across Yerevan do not work in their profession.
The results of the surveys show that the most drifted away from their professions are people who have vocational education (64.8%) and incomplete university education. However, referring to those who obtained higher education, the situation is more reassuring: only 40․1% of them do not work in their field.
Among respondents not working in their industry, the largest group is made up of those aged 36 to 50. This fact is probably related to gaining independence and the new requirements and unstable economic conditions in our country in the years following the independence.
The distribution of people’s employment based on the economic sectors has also been studied and the following picture is obtained: private-sector employees comprise the largest group (61.9%), the public sector covers 35.1%, and the rest are staffed by international organizations and non-governmental organizations.
According to the survey results, female respondents work in state offices more than males (accordingly 42.0% vs 28․0%).