TV Advertising Still in Its Utmost Position in Armenia

Dentsu Aegis Network experts forecast around 3.8% growth of the global advertisement market by the end of the year, with USD 625 billion total investments. Specifically, digital advertisement will cover 40% of the total growth, with 12% increasing expenses. Advertisement in mobile devises will grow by 19,2%. The TV add, on the contrary, will downgrade by 0.5%.
How will the global trends impact on Armenia: one of the surveys by Breavis revealed an interesting framework. The 2019 polls aimed to find out the add sources with the highest visibility rate, and namely the ads that have created a stronger impression and public reaction.
Thus, in Armenia the TV add is still holds a primary position with 27,8% of the watched ads. The internet add is watched 13 times less, making 1,9%; and the watched add in social media platforms equals to 1.3%
It is worth to mention, that the majority of respondents hesitated to answer about their most rememberable advertisement. Food and beverage (9.7%), mobile operators (5.3%), technical equipment (3.9%) and the betting companies (2.7%) ads were considerably among the most watched ones.

