Our eternally young yet 2801-year-old capital is often described by foreign guests as a hospitable, unique and warmly embrassing city with its very own traditions and “character”. Breavis has committed to revealing our – Yerevan residents’ – emotional perceptions of Yerevan. Based on the results of the survey, from 2016 up to this year Yerevan has been gradually perceived as a positive, safe, amiable, beautiful, warmhearted and bright city. Only the last three characteristics went slightly down in 2017 as compared to 2016 and 2017 survey results. Since 2016 people has also characterized Yerevan as a stronger, softer, fuller, larger, more vibrant, more cheerful and more energetic city. Interestingly, the above figures are significantly higher in 2019 than in previous years. The capital is only far from being a clean city in the perceptions of its inhabitants. The indicators are not promising, as in recent years crossing the threshold of negative they have reached -0.18.